Your private consultation with Dr. Moses

Chin and jawline definitions are integral components to the profile and overall balance of the face. The chin serves as a critical starting point for the neck—often chin augmentation will help further improve the global facial aesthetic and may play a prominent role in helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. During your private consultation with Dr. Moses, she will discuss your goals and expectations and ask about your overall health and lifestyle. We encourage patients to be fully candid during the initial consultation to ensure we are able to develop a treatment plan that best suits you. Chin augmentation is often combined with additional procedures, including facial and chin liposuction as well as necklift or facelift. These adjunctive procedures further enhance your results and achieve a natural, balanced look.

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The Chin Augmentation Procedure

Chin augmentation is an effective method for reshaping or enhancing the chin and improving definition along the jawline and neckline. Dr. Moses may utilize a chin implant or on occasion, reshape the bone, depending on your desired outcome:

  • Most patients will undergo placement of an implant. An incision is placed just under the chin in an already existing skin crease. The implant is then placed through this incision and rests on the bone. It is then sutured in place. Liposuction under the chin may be performed using this same incision.
  • If the contour of the bone (mandible) needs to be reshaped, a similar incision under the chin or inside the mouth may be used.

To begin your surgical appointment, you'll receive local, general, or intravenous anesthesia based on your comfort level and any procedures being performed concurrently.

Recovery after chin augmentation

After your procedure, you may feel some pain and experience bruising and swelling. Patients typically do not require prescription pain medication, but this decision is made on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, all patients, surgical and non-surgical alike, can expect the highest personalized care throughout the journey to a refreshed look.

First 3 days after surgery:

Your ability to chew may be limited for the first few days, so a diet of soft foods and liquids may be recommended.

1 week after surgery:

You often are able to resume most of your usual activities at this stage of recovery. 

3 to 4 weeks after surgery:

You can resume engaging in more strenuous activities unless otherwise directed. 

1 to 3 months after surgery:

Your results will begin to appear as early as a month after your chin augmentation surgery. Swelling will dissipate, and final results will be refined over a period of a few months. All remaining swelling should be gone at this stage.

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Follow-up care

You will have regularly scheduled post-operative and follow-up appointments at specific intervals throughout the first year after your surgery. These are important in both the immediate post-operative period and to follow your progress after surgery.


Chin augmentation surgery, whether through implant or bone reshaping, is designed to last a lifetime. Although appearance changes with age, the refined contour of your chin will remain.

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Chin augmentation vs. other treatments

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers

These fillers can improve chin definition and projection for up to a year and do not require any downtime to recover.

Semi-permanent fillers

Collagen-building fillers like Sculptra naturally fill the targeted areas and remain even once the product breaks down, unlike hyaluronic acid-based fillers.

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What is commonly combined with chin augmentation?

To refine and contour your face, your chin augmentation may be performed with other procedures, such as necklift/facelift or facial liposuction. During your initial consultation, these adjunctive procedures may be discussed as a way to help you achieve your desired goals.

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Call the team at Palmetto Facial Plastics in Columbia, SC, to learn more

Dr. Moses at Palmetto Facial Plastics in Columbia, SC, is dedicated to helping her patients look and feel their best through surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. She seeks to enhance the natural beauty of every person she treats in a fresh, renewed way and is committed to a balanced, never-overdone result. Reach out to our office in Columbia, SC, today to learn more about our incredible services and how we can help achieve your aesthetic goals.

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