About submental liposuction

Submental liposuction (SML) refers to physically removing the stubborn "double chin" fat. This fat pad can be genetic or due to facial aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal changes, etc. It is a common concern among men & women of all ages due to its position front & center on the face. In recent years, an injectable option to address this stubborn area has come into the spotlight. While it is a non-surgical option per se, it has several disadvantages. Dr. Moses's preferred method for addressing this area is liposuction – which can be done in the office or combined with other surgical procedures on an outpatient basis. 

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The submental liposuction procedure

The procedure constitutes a small incision (less than 1cm) under the chin in a pre-existing skin crease that is hidden from view. A small cannula is introduced & the stubborn fat is permanently removed. Please watch the video below for more information as well as a comparison between this option & the injectable currently on the market. 

Your private consultation with Dr. Moses

If you seek a more defined chin and neck, submental liposuction can help you achieve this. The first step in this journey is to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Moses, during which she will discuss this procedure and what you hope to achieve from it. You may also inquire about other procedures or treatments you wish to have performed.

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Your surgical appointment

Depending on your needs, submental liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia. Once it is administered and takes effect, the surgical procedure can begin.

Recovery after submental liposuction

Since submental liposuction is an invasive procedure, it will require some downtime.

Most patients will need to take off a couple of weeks from work. You should also avoid strenuous exercise and activities.

In the initial phases of your recovery, you will likely experience some:

  • Swelling
  • Soreness
  • Bruising 
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  • After the first day:
    The first day after your submental liposuction procedure will be the most discomfort you will likely experience throughout your recovery. You can manage it with pain medication you should take as prescribed.
  • 2 to 3 days after surgery:
    You can engage in light exercises, such as a short walk, to benefit circulation. You should also stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet.
  • The first week after surgery:
    The bruising and swelling will subside, and your incisions will look substantially healed.
  • After the second week:
    Generally, most patients can return to their regular routines after the second week without experiencing much discomfort. You may continue to wear your recovery garments, but this won’t be necessary past this point.
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Follow-up care

You will have a series of follow-up appointments with Dr. Moses to ensure the healing process is going smoothly. Following her instructions during your recovery is vital to avoid any potential complications. Be sure to get plenty of rest, drink fluids, and rest with your head elevated. After the first week, you can begin wearing makeup again.


Most patients see the results of their submental liposuction procedure after a few months. Additionally, the results of this surgery are permanent since the body does not grow new fat cells in this area after age 25. The fat pocket in your chin is so tiny that, once these fat cells are removed, it is improbable you will develop a double chin again, which means you can enjoy your results for many years to come.

Submental liposuction vs. other treatments


FaceTite is a radiofrequency-based treatment that melts away unwanted fat and tightens the skin.

Neck lift

The neck lift has a more extended recovery period than submental liposuction, but the results are more immediate.

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What is submental liposuction often combined with?

While undergoing the submental liposuction procedure, some patients choose to have other procedures or treatments done, such as:

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Caring for you throughout your journey

Dr. Helen Moses is dedicated to providing the highest patient care and support at Palmetto Facial Plastics in Columbia, SC. She believes in helping patients achieve beautiful and natural results so they feel like the best version of themselves. Moreover, all of her surgery patients have her cell phone number, so the lines of communication are always open to address any concerns or questions.  Find out more about what Dr. Moses can do for you by calling today to schedule a private consultation at her luxury clinic in Columbia, S.C.

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