Your private consultation with Dr. Moses

If you wish to have a mole cosmetically removed, the process starts with a private consultation at Palmetto Plastic Surgery, a boutique practice with a reputation for achieving exceptional results. Dr. Moses will examine the mole or moles you wish to have removed and explain the procedure to you so you know exactly what to expect. You may also ask any questions you have to clarify the process.

Your mole removal appointment

Your appointment will begin by cleaning the targeted area. Anesthesia may also be administered so you remain comfortable at every step.

there is a woman posing with her hand on her chin

The mole removal procedure

There are many techniques available to remove a mole:

  • Surgical excision removes the mole with surgical scissors
  • Freezing
  • Shaving the mole down with a scalpel, leaving just a pink mark on your skin
  • Custom laser treatment

Often, a scar may remain after a mole is removed, which can be addressed with scar revision treatments.

Recovery after mole removal

Depending on the size of your mole, it can take up to three weeks for the wound to heal fully. It is a relatively fast outpatient procedure, and you should be able to drive yourself home once it is completed. 

Follow-up care

Always attend your follow-up appointments with Dr. Moses to ensure the healing process is smooth and uneventful. If the removal leaves a scar that you wish to correct, Dr. Moses may discuss an appropriate timeline for when you can have scar revision treatment performed.

Although there is essentially no downtime associated with this procedure, it is crucial to keep your wounds clean and, once it is healed, apply sunscreen to the area. If you notice any signs of infection, contact Dr. Moses immediately.

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After you fully recover from your mole removal procedure, you can typically expect some scarring. However, not all mole removal scars are noticeable, and, in most cases, it will be impossible for others to notice where the procedure was performed. 

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